Gloobus, A quicklook for linux

Hi everyone!

I'm developing Gloobus, a quicklook for linux
Mac quicklook:

I would like to integrate it with nautilus like mac does with finder but I'm very lost with it, i would like you to give me some help or clue on how to start with it
I just need to create an opengl window inside nautilus and that it interacts with the file manager (using keys and mouse) I know its hard but I think it can be a great improvement (as an extension or plugin of course).

So please, there are a lot of people who would like it and I'm disposed to code to achieve this. anyway I need some help.

There are a couple of things that I would really like to do, bind space key to launch my application (Christian said me that I can do it myself but I'm again lost on how to do it) and put a button on the toolbar so the application can be launched from there (now I use nautilus-actions)

Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

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