Re: Nautilus file manager in Ubuntu 7.04

Am Dienstag, den 16.12.2008, 08:12 -0800 schrieb Lester Rees:
>       Hello.  First off, I must congratulate you on the creation of
> the latest version of Nautilus.  It is, by far, the best version as of
> yet.  The only problem I have is that I don't want to run it in the
> latest version of Ubuntu(Intrepid Ibex).  I do not like that version
> of Ubuntu at all.  My favorite version of Ubuntu is 7.04(Feisty Fawn).
> See, I would like to keep Ubuntu 7.04 and be able to use the latest
> version of Nautilus at the same time.  Is that at all possible? 

Probably not, as it depends on a lot of other libraries that would need
updated versions too.

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