On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:26 PM, Christian Kirbach
<christian kirbach googlemail com> wrote:
>Drifting OT: They are mounted as file systems, because that's how
drivers (and a really crappy connect application) is distributed for
Windows users. There's a small CD (ISO-something) file system that's
mounted as an external drive on the little buggers. That Linux
automounts these file systems is probably a bug, as users have no use
for the stuff on them. The driver is already in the kernel, and there
are ways to connect to the modems without knowing any /dev paths, my
favourite is the one here:
This has a problem: the dependency hell. I have a 2.4 kernel and I have to update a lot of packages. So, I decieded to use a Ubuntu Live CD, install Ubuntu in the hard disk and configure Wvdial (it has detected the modem as /dev/ttyUSB0 ; in NetworkManager, it does not appeared).
I would prefer click in the first desktop icon (not in the second virtual DVD icon ) and then would open NetworkManager or other default application, to configure the modem and connection (in a similar way to other visual operating systems).