Nautilus SVN for Google SoC 2007


I'm currently planning my Summer of Code applications, and after my
employer recently switched from CVS to SVN and I installed TortoiseSVN,
I realized yet again that GNOME users are forced to use the command-line
in order to use SVN.

It doesn't have to be that way! I'd like to participate in this year's
Google Summer of Code, implementing a Nautilus SVN enhancement similar
to TortoiseSVN for Windows.

In detail, what I want to have is:

* context menu items for SVN checkout, update, commit, add, delete,
diff, copy
* emblems to show file/folder status
* GUI for commit (user input) as well as checkout, update, add, delete,
copy (progress)
* ability to use an external program like meld for diff

I know this is a courageous project, but with careful planning I am
pretty sure I can handle it. It would be helpful though to have pointers
on where to start as I am still new to GNOME development.

Developers, please tell me what you think about this idea. If you like
it, why not mentor it?


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