Re: Nautilus search

Hi Rok,

On Thu, 2007-07-05 at 13:40 +0000, Rok Jaklic wrote:
> When I click on button with tooltip "Perform or update the search" go_search_cb
> is called, then nautilus_query_editor_changed_force function in
> "nautilus-query-editor.c" right? I understand everything until I get to the lines
>                 query = nautilus_query_editor_get_query (editor);
>                 g_signal_emit (editor, signals[CHANGED], 0,
>                                query, editor->details->is_indexed || force_reload);
> Here some signal is emitted but, what does happen next? What code is executed
> then? Which sources should I look?

The "changed" signal gets processed in the query_editor_change_callback
functions in nautilus-spatial-window.c and nautilus-navigation-window.c



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