Re: Suggestion: The option to open a folder in a New Tab instead of a New Window.

Hi Mark,

On 8/30/07, Mark Thiele <markthiele gmail com> wrote:

Kde users have tabbed browsing of files right from the word go, and
amongst most linux users I know, kde is considered a better and easier
to use system than gnome for this kind of reason (ok, I don't know many,

I would like to suggest you to test this nice working solution (my everyday actual working solution):
Install Fluxbox, if youre apt'ted do: apt-get install fluxbox and you'll be done.
Then change a gconf entry via gconf-editor: /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager set  'current' and 'default' keys /usr/bin/fluxbox
then exit session and relogin.

Now you have a nice simple and very powerful windows manager based on blackbox that support whole tabbed browsing. You can do groups of tabs and a lot of this type of thinks.
You can group ton of Nautilus just dragging with middle mouse button from a window to another.

Hope this can start to help you to better work with Nautilus.

See you,


Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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