Re: Suggestion: The option to open a folder in a New Tab instead of a New Window.


... using Nautilus to work with files in different locations, the desktop
can become cluttered, or the location bar needs to be overused.

Tabbing capabilities could be a windows manager feature and not, in my opinion, a per-application method to organize native-spatial objects like Nautilus file manager.
Today home desktop single users  minimize the use of  multi nautilus istance opened. Trend is to use not more tha 3 windows opened to do some DnD or just copy and paste.
With a 17 inch monitor and 1024x768 resolution you can easy manage 5 or 6 nautilus windows without too much pain (and for generic home desktop single user where "spatial" is targeted it's a very special case of use).
How does you solve this issue using OSX Finder or W98 explorer?



Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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