Re: Problem with popup menu cache system

On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 14:27 +0200, RUAUDEL Frédéric wrote:
> Alexander Larsson wrote:

> >However, I'd prefer if this part:
> >
> >+	/* Update window's current selection popup menu */
> >+	fm_directory_view_update_menus (FM_DIRECTORY_VIEW(window->content_view));
> >
> >Was actually done by FMDirectoryView (by also listening to the signal).
> >We don't really guarantee that window->content_view is a FMDirectoryView
> >(although it always is right now).
> >
> I planned to do this at first, but to do this I have to include the 
> nautilus-signaller.h file into the file-manager static library and it 
> seems to me that it is not very clean. Is there a clean way to access 
> the NautilusSignaller from within the file-manager library ?

Seems we have to move NautilusSignaller to libnautilus-private.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's an oversexed drug-addicted photographer on the run. She's a ditzy 
gold-digging queen of the dead on her way to prison for a murder she didn't 
commit. They fight crime! 

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