Re: List view help

Thank you - to fill in the blanks for you:

MIME descriptions:
> No, I have to disappoint you here. It is not simple anymore. It is
> generally considered to be an admin's job.
I am the Admin

> I wonder why you need the short MIME descriptions.
Long file names + Long MIME descriptions = list view data pushed
off the screen.  Users don't like to constantly scroll over.  Your PNG
example is exactly what I mean.  OpenOffice isn't far behind:
" Calc spreadsheet" how about "OpenOffice Calc"

I do not advocate "another pre-defined set" of descriptions - merely
the ability to change them.

Some applications do not have icons assigned to them - e.g.
OpenOffice pre-2 does not have icons for the new formats
odt, ods.

Thanks again - I will dig around - and any additional help is
always welcome.

best regards

On 8/10/05, Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org> wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 02.08.2005, 16:20 -0500 schrieb Richard Mancusi:
> > csv = text document (with comma-separated values)
> >
> > Also how do I assign an icon to a file type - not a specific
> > file, the entire type?
> >
> > Both were easy in SuSE-9.2 (Gnome 2.6) - so I suspect
> > that I am simply looking in the wrong place.
> No, I have to disappoint you here. It is not simple anymore. It is
> generally considered to be an admin's job.
> I wonder why you need the short MIME descriptions. If you think this is
> really a priority, you can write an email to the XDG mailing list [1]
> trying to advocate the idea of adding short descriptions to MIME types.
> Having "PNG image" and "Portable Network Graphics image" could be
> useful, after all. If you just want a downstream solution (hint, hint
> this is not collaborative/social), you'll have to edit
> /usr/share/mime/packages/
> and run
> update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
> afterwards.
> The icon assignment should work by entering
> mkdir -p ~/.icons/gnome/48x48/mimetypes &&
> cp <myicon_sized_48x48.png>
> ~/.icons/gnome/48x48/mimetypes/gnome-mime-application-ogg.png
> Note that in the file name identifying the MIME type "application/ogg",
> '/' was replaced by '-' and the image filename was prefixed with
> "gnome-mime-".
> Good luck!
> [1]
> --
> Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
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