Question about Nautilus, famd, and an USB key


I don't know if it is the right place to write about it, but i have a
question regarding Nautilus, famd and my USB key.

I have recently managed to install my USB key and get it to work under
Gnome 2.6, and Nautilus 2.6.1. I can mount and unmount the key inside
the computer icon on the desktop, the icon is there. No problem.
However, as soon as i open the key to see the file it becomes impossible
to unmount the key. I have quite puzzled about it and after searching, i
used fuser to see what was accessing my key preventing it to unmount. It
was famd.
I have been able to reproduced that behavior every time. Is there a way
for Nautilus to stop famd to monitor the key the USB key when i try to
unmount it ?

In case, here is my fstab entry for the USB key

/dev/sda1	/mnt/usbkey	vfat	noauto,users,umask=0,utf8	0 0

thank you by advance


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