mounting removable media II

Since upgrade to 2.6.2 (Debian/unstable packages) icons of
mounted disk devices no longer appear on Desktop. They do
not appear anywhere at all. The only way to learn there is some
removable media mounted now is to clumsily navigate to Computer
(violating Fitt's law in the process) and from the look of default icons
guess the mountpoint state.

Yes, I know I can use some script hack, rightclick on the spot, select
'Nautilus scripts', run 'spawn_my_terminal_here' and issue 'mount'
command - but should removable media management be so complicated
in Nautilus? Is there any way to switch back to icons of mounted storage
media showing on Desktop?

Maybe it is a bug, not feature. Please take my apologies and ignore this
effusion in that case ;-)

-- Vit

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