Re: Nautilus, metadata and extendet attributes

Julien Olivier wrote:
If a shellscript or binary has .jpg extension and we rely on extension, then image viewer is started, which will complain or crash. The file will *NOT* get executed. Is this so hard to understand?? File extensions are *NO* security risk!!!

This is not how Nautilus does it now. It uses the file name extension to
determine the icon to be displayed, and - then - uses sniffing when the
user clicks on the file.

That would be really weird, because it would lie to the user. Fortunately it does not do so (Nautilus 2.4.1). I have a file "license.dat" which is shown with an MPG icon and when i double click on it, it is opened with mplayer, which is both wrong, but at least nautilus does what the user can expect when he looks at the icon.
Dunno why it's sniffed as MPG, file(1) reports it as "ASCII text".

BTW, why can't i simply select "Open with", type in "vi" and view the file? Instead i am confronted with a far too complex "Edit file type" dialog which does not even allow me to change the type of the file.

In Midnight Commander i at least have the command line, where i can type "more license.dat", in case mc does not do what i want when pressing F3.

For me, this is less than usable, that's why i continue to use mc for my daily work. I mainly use nautilus for viewing images with "Image Collection", which is really cool, but far to slow with large directories, because of mime-type sniffing.



Heinrich Rebehn

University of Bremen
Physics / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Telecommunications -

Phone : +49/421/218-4664
Fax   :            -3341

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