Re: Invalid Unicode

Hi Gabor,

Thanks for the response... but it didn't work.  At least the few tests I
did.  I have something like this:

smbmount //dncclo07/proyectos /home/william/smb/dncclo07/Proyectos -o

I tried some others values in iocharset and codepage but the problemas

How do I know the appropriate values for a given partition??  I mean, I
have the very same problem with Windows partitions in my local disk or
for any vfat partition for that matter.

Thanks again,


El vie, 17-12-2004 a las 18:45 +0100, Gábor Farkas escribió:
> William Lovaton wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > 
> > I'm using Fedora Core 3 with the es_CO locale.  When I mount a Windows
> > share through Linux (not smb in gnome-vfs because I can't use it ATM)
> > and when I browse it with nautilus I get lots of files and directories
> > with special chars like ligatures and tildes (áóúñÑ) with the sign "?"
> > and the string "(Invalid unicode)" attached to the end of the file.
> > 
> > And because of this OpenOffice and Gnumeric can't open the documents in
> > there.  the only one that can is AbiWord but it can't work with .XLS
> > files so I need OO or Gnumeric.
> > 
> > What kind of option can I use to solve this.  I configured the share
> > in /etc/fstab
> > 
> nautilus wants to have everything in utf8.
> look into 'man smbmount'...
> there are 2 switches relevant here:
> ====
> iocharset=<arg>
> sets the charset used by the Linux side for codepage to  charset
> translations  (NLS).  Argument  should be the name of a charset,
> like iso8859-1. (Note: only kernel 2.4.0 or later)
> codepage=<arg>
> sets the codepage the server uses. See the iocharset option. Ex-
> ample value cp850. (Note: only kernel 2.4.0 or later)
> ====
> so basically iocharset should be set to the thing you use, and codepage 
> to the thing that the server uses (imho).
> i haven't tested them, because i don't have access to a samba share 
> right now, but i assume something like this should work:
> smbmount //remoteserver/share1 /home/user/localdir -o 
> iocharset=UTF-8,codepage=serverEncoding
> where serverEncoding is the encoding used on the server.
> gabor

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