Re: [PATCH] Frame large images with a small file size.

On Wed, 2004-12-15 at 21:26 +0100, Jaap Haitsma wrote:
> Alexander Larsson wrote:
> > Also, another thing related to this. I've gotten requests for using the
> > image as itself when scaling images with thumbnails so that they are
> > larger than 128x128. I.E. use thumbnail when smaller, but read full file
> > and scale down when its made large.
> I'm afraid I do not understand you :-(. Can you try explaining it 
> another time?

Say I have an image on my desktop. The file is 500k, so its thumbnailed.
I didn't do anything to the icon, so its showed at 96 pixels size, from
the thumbnail.

Now I select "Stretch Icon" from the menu and make the icon 200x200
pixels. If we continue to use the thumbnail for this it'll look pretty
fuzzy. What I would like is for it to switch to using the actual file as
the thumbnail for sizes > 128 pixels. This would make the icon look
crisp and nice.

> On another note. The thumbnail size in pixels is not specified in 
> gnome-thumbnail.h. Therefore Nautilus hardcodes 128 in it's code. (IMO A 
> bit ugly)
> Wouldn't it be better to do in gnome-thumbnail.h
> typedef enum {
> } GnomeThumbnailSize;
> instead of
> typedef enum {
> } GnomeThumbnailSize;
> Then nautilus can just use the enum to do the calculations for thumbnail 
> sizes.

That would be an ABI change at this point, and would seem to mean you
can pass any size into a GnomeThumbnailSize argument. It might have been
a good idea, but its a bit late to change now. Maybe we can add
something to get the pixel size of a GnomeThumbnailSize.

> BTW is the large thumbnail size used in the GNOME desktop?

Not at the moment.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a world-famous coffee-fuelled card sharp with no name. She's a cynical 
mute fairy princess with a birthmark shaped like Liberty's torch. They fight 

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