Re: convincing ssh:// and ftp:// links to work

On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 08:59, Alan wrote:
> I've seen this asked a few different times in different forums (and bug
> 139263), but with no answer, but I've also seen enough people say how 
> good and easy it is that it can't have shipped broken.... so I figured 
> I'd ask in the nautilus specific list in hopes to get help.
> First of all, congrats to all involved, great work.
> My problem is two-fold.  
>  - When I select "connect to server" and put in a link of ftp:// or
>    ssh:// in the formats of either protocol://user host or
>    protocol://host, the link on the desktop appears, but when it's
>    clicked I get the message:
>       "The action associated with "ftp:
>       server" is invalid.
>       You can configure GNOME to associate a different....
>       etc
>    I tried telling nautilus to open an ssh or ftp link from the terminal
>    but got 'cannot display "ftp://server";' for the ftp links and 'could
>    not log in' for an ssh link (ssh keys are set up).
>    smb:// links worked perfectly.  nfs:// links returned a 'not valid
>    location' error.

Yes. This is a nasty bug. See:

Any help in tracking this one down would be appreciated.

>  - the second issue I have is that the functionality of nautilus doesn't
>    match up with the documentation.  In the help docs under section
> it indicates that there is a 'Add Network Place' object in
>    the computer object.  I have no such thing.  It also indicates thee
>    is an NFS and SMB object in the computer->network object.  I have the
>    SMB one which displays just fine, but not the other two.  

The docs describes the way gnome 2.4 worked.

> I'm guessing that I have to install another package, but the same
> remains after installing gnome-vfs-sftp and gnome-vfs-extras.  I'm going
> to actually assume that these shouldn't have been installed, as now the
> network object is just timing out :( 

You shouldn't install gnome-vfs-sfp or gnome-vfs-extras! These methods
are both in gnome-vfs now. The separate versions are older and buggier.

> This is on a gentoo linux, all stable except for gnome 2.6 is ~x86, all
> release packages.

Maybe you should use a packaging system that detects the file conflicts
between gnome-vfs and gnome-vfs-extras. :)

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a superhumanly strong vegetarian vagrant from a doomed world. She's an 
artistic antique-collecting museum curator who dreams of becoming Elvis. They 
fight crime! 

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