Re: Nautilus as a web browser

Le lun 03/02/2003 à 10:23, Julien Olivier a écrit :
> Hi
> Excuse me if I'm naive but I had to ask that.
> I read in a lot of places that Galeon 2 was hardly going to become
> GNOME2's web browser.
> I don't know if that's true or wrong but it made me wonder why not
> making Nautilus a web browser. Is it very difficult to use Gecko or
> GtkHTML in it and make it a full browser (with JavaScript, DHTML, CSS
> and plugins) or is it a philosophical choice not to bloat it with web
> functions ?
> IMO, Nautilus is already far more than a file manager so making it a web
> browser seems logical.
> What do you think of that ?

well, you can already use gecko within nautilus through galeon's
nautilus view, it does the job quite well, even if galeon 2 is still

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 \/_ | S  \   Muy Mano,
  | \/    /         Muy Presa.
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