Doubleclick feedback on desktop and document app launch

If you use Nautilus long enough you know what I mean despite the subject
of my message.  

If you doubleclick on an item or a folder on the desktop you get no
feedback to indicate acknowledgement of a doubleclick on that item. 
Sometimes you sit waiting to see if the doubleclick "took" and get
nothing or you doubleclick again only to get two windows with the same
information in it.  

Also, if you are in say your document directory and doubleclick on a
file to be launched by another application you get no feedback to
acknowledge the doubleclick.  IF the item is to be opened in a nautilus
view the spinner starts but if the item is launched through another app
no feedback to the user is indicated.  

Before everyone gets super technical on the parameters of such a new
feature, it is my contention that most users only really want an
indication that the doubleclick action was performed correctly.  I
understand that full application startup notification integrated into
nautilus is a bit much to ask to say the least.  It just would be nice
for nautilus to indicate to the user that they did indeed doubleclick
the item or that they did not.  

Did not see a bug on this (maybe a bad query on my part).  Is it worth
putting in?

Johnathan Bailes <johnathan bailes esi baesystems com>

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