Re: pluggable context menus ...

Hi James,

On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 08:48, James Willcox wrote:
> Um, that last patch was brain damaged.  This one is better, I promise :)

	Ok - it looks nice; there are a few bits that need cleaning up, but the
feature looks great to me :-)

	Firstly: instead of duplicating the verbs we should use:

BonoboUINode *node = bonobo_ui_util_new_ui (same args as add_ui);


	In the ... we need to do something like:

	BonoboUINode *l;

	for (l = node; l; l = bonobo_ui_node_next (l)) {
		BonoboUINode *l2;

		if (bonobo_ui_node_has_name ("commands")) {

		for (l2 = bonobo_ui_node_children (node);
		     l2; l2 = bonobo_ui_node_next (l2)) {
			... build the verb stuff here ...

	bonobo_ui_component_set_tree (component, nodes, etc.);

	Of course - quite how we translate these things I don't know; if we
stored the XML in the .server file we'd have a mechanism; inside a
separate file, it's more complex; clearly the .po file for the App would
have the information if it was loaded - but it isn't ;-) Ultimately then
it might be almost necessary to do the b-a-s work to make verbatim
embedding of XML fragments easy, to make it i18n-able.

	Also, a slight problem in:

+               Bonobo_Listener_event (listener, data->verb,
+                                      (CORBA_any*)data->uri, &ev);

	Sadly you can't do that; you have to do something like (easyish):

	BonoboArg *arg;

	arg = bonobo_arg_new_from (CORBA_TC_String, path->uri);

	pass the arg as a CORBA_any (what it is in fact)

	then bonobo_arg_free (arg); [ you also need to
bonobo_object_release_unref () after a queryInterface :-].

	Of course - it seems to me that the selection could be more than 1 item
- how do you handle that ? it's fairly easy to make a structure up to
pass to the listener in the Any - indeed, there are types lurking in
Nautilus to do that; (Nautilus_URIList) eg.

	Overall - an excellent feature; and nice coding - especially the async
component activation so it's snappy, great to have you hacking on



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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