Re: pluggable context menus ...

On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 08:37, Michael Meeks wrote:
> 	We add a 'nautilus:context_ops' stringv, that would contain the
> relevant options:
> 	<submenu label="Image ops">
> 		<menuitem label="Rotate image" verb="DoRotate"/>
> 	</submenu>
> 	Now - quite how to encode this in the .server file I don't know - but
> we need this capability for evolution too; ie. currently we have a
> 'stringv' or 'string' field; but we really need an 'xml' type - that
> would essentially return the raw XML (as a string) - in that sub-tag, to
> avoid unnecessary escaping. - a small b-a-s hack perhaps.

Ok, what if we just hold a path to a UI file in the .server file,
instead of the XML itself?  That sounds a lot better to me, at least. 
If you can better explain to me how to work out the verb stuff, I might
be interested in doing this.  Also, do we really want to be activating
components when people bring up a menu?  Is it going to be fast enough?


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