Re: Use of Eel library

On Wednesday 27 November 2002 10:05, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-11-27 at 04:51, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > <quote who="Dave Malcolm">
> >
> > > So I thought I'd better email this list to say that I'm using Eel in a
> > > project called Conglomerate (see; it's a GPLed XML
> > > editor for GNOME).
> >
> >   (I would just like to say, "Yea verily! It is truly a wonderful thing
> > to see Conglomerate rise from the ashes of forgotten CVS!" If you need a
> > hand with anything, want to move to GNOME CVS / Mailman / whatever,
> > please let me know.)
> yes, this is really good news to see conglomerate born again. Is it
> already in some usable state?

The CVS version is kind-of usable (but a bit painful) for small documents; 
I've used it myself for DocBook editing.  It grinds to a halt on anything 
large.  I've ported it from GTK 1.* to GNOME 2; it uses GnomeVFS, it uses 
libxml2 rather than Flux now, and I'm most of the way through a big overhaul 
which uses Pango for text and is _much_ faster.  So hopefully it'll be ready 
for inclusion in Gnome Office by the time Gnome 2.4 comes round...  Maybe :-) 
 I've also hacked together some primitive Bonobo support, and a plugin system.

Should be a release in the next couple of weeks, depending on how much work I 
get done.

Plus there's some code that I hope to refactor into LGPL utility libraries: 
HIG-compliant error dialogs, including one that deals with GnomeVFS errors 
and generates useful error messages aimed at non-techies - perhaps useful to 
lots of other GNOME apps (e.g. if you do a File->Save to a floppy that 
doesn't have enough room, it tells you the size of the file, and the amount 
of free space on the floppy etc).

> cheers

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