Solved: How do I set the double-click action?

I've got it working now. Here's what I had to do in case anyone else
has the same problem.

  Go to Applications->Desktop Preferences->Advanced->Preferred Applications.
  Click on the "Text Editor" tab,
  Toggle "Custom Editor",
  Click "Properties...",
  Input the data,
  Click OK,
  Check "Use this editor to open text files in the file manager"

Along the way I entered some messed up things and couldn't remove them from
the UI by using the UI. I had things like "edit %s" and "edit %f" in the
Open With popup menu. Remembering some warning about not deleting ~/.gnome
because gnome-vfs still uses it, I went there and did `grep -r edit` watching
for matches to my bad items. They were in ~/.gnome/mime-info/user.keys
I ignored the warning and edited the file, removing the bad items from the
comma-separated value lists.

Greg Merchan

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