How do I set the double-click action?

I run gnuserv at startup and then use `gnuclient -q $ ` to edit text files.
I have this command in a private shell script called "edit" so that I can
just type 'edit filenames' at the shell prompt.

When I double-clicked on a text file, the nautilus text view opened.
Never do I want that. I opened the file properties before I remembered that
I can't change the file handler there.

I then selected  Open With->Other Application....  In the dialog that
appeared I selected GNU Emacs and clicked on Modify.... I did this because
I figured that whatever the command for "GNU Emacs" is, it's most likely
not the one I need - gnuserv/gnuclient are not standard for GNU Emacs,
and even so the client is never the default, afaik. The Modify dialog proved
unhelpful because it only allow modification of the status.

Then I clicked on Go There and the "Edit file type" dialog appeared.
I set the "Viewer Component" to None, the "Default action" to Custom,
"Program to Run" to my shell script, and clicked OK. I went back to my
the folder window and double clicked on the file. Again the nautilus text
view appeared.

I repeated my previous actions suspecting that maybe I'd clicked Cancel or
somehow the settings hadn't stuck. They were all as I'd set them.
Trying again, I noticed that "edit" was now listed in the Open With submenu.
I looked in again in the "Open with Other Application" menu expecting to see
my shell script listed there, but it wasn't.

I went to Help->Contents from the folder menubar. After some time I was able
to read the docs for what I'm trying to do and found they described what I'd
already done.

How do I make double-click open the file with gnuclient?

Greg Merchan

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