Re: Location of Desktop Preferences menu (was Reducing the number of special uris in gnome)

On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 15:19, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Andrew Sobala">
> > On my installation, gnome-control-center = preferences:/// in nautilus.
> > Is this unusual?
> (Mentioned in my other post: If you're not running Nautilus, g-c-c has its
> own shell. If you are running Nautilus, it does the right thing, ie. sending
> you off to the URL.)
Maybe there should be a gconf option to start the shell instead of
Nautilus even if Nautilus is running. There seem to be quite a number of
people that would prefer an old style control-center.
Gérard Milmeister
Tannenrauchstr. 35
8038 Zürich
gemi bluewin ch

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