Benchmarking Nautilus (was Re: [Nautilus-list] performance and usability)

> They would be more helpful if you would be more specific. Timing
> tests, the version of Nautilus you're running, and especially features

Right. Timing tests. Has anyone done benchmarks on nautilus, like
automated opening of 10000 windows on different locations or the like ?

Obviously it is very important to know what is slowest.
Then we know what to speed up or if that is not possible at least what
to disable (by users option!) to get nautilus faster.

Does anyone know of such results results, I mean a real profiler run of
nautilus ?

> you think should be removed to streamline its operation. One of the
> difficulties the Nautilus developers have faced is the tug-of-war
> between various ideas about what functions a "file manager" should
> perform. Bugzilla and the lists are littered with requests for "the
> one function it is obvious a file manager really needs". You may have
> the idea in your mind of the perfect file manager which is quick and
> does just the set of operations you need, but my experience in
> observing Nautilus over the last year or two is that many people have
> very different ideas about what set of functions that implies.

I guess, the problem is not that nautilus can do everything(tm) (since
features can be disable via config.) but at first a fast and stable
file+desktop manager.


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