Re: [Nautilus-list] Another question: nautilus and XALF

Darin Adler wrote:

On 1/25/02 12:08 AM, "Dan Berger" <dberger ix netcom com> wrote:

There's been, for some time, a package called xalf
(  Under gmc this
packaged worked perfectly - but when launching items from desktop
shortcuts under nautilus, there is no launch feedback (not even the
invisible window in the taskbar, which I wouldn't expect to depend on
the file manager at all).

Can any of the folks familiar with the nautilus internals take a swag at
explaining this?  Is it a known bug in either package?

Nautilus has some code in it that's supposed to support xalf. I have no idea
why the expected launch feedback doesn't happen. You don't need to be
familiar with Nautilus internals to look into this. The process of launching
an item is extremely simple -- see the
nautilus_launch_application_from_command function in

I have no problem with xalf feedback for this. But this is only when I launch from a nautilus view.
When I launch from a desktop icon, no xalf is open.
But is it handled with the same functions ?
It do not seems to but I do not find from where or by whom it is handled ?
I tought it was in nautilus-desktop-file-loader.c, from nautilus_desktop_file_launch. But when I put some traces in these I see no evidence of call (I also put some in nautilus_launch_application_from_command and I do see traces when using icon-view).

Could you give me some clues about this ?

It would be great if someone would look into this and find out why it's not
working like the panel does.

   -- Darin

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