Re: [Nautilus-list] changes to svg icon handling

On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 16:15, Darin Adler wrote:
> I think this is the right approach, but I don't see why a single max_size

	Also, when I tried this approach it resulted in not only dramatically
shrunk images, but very curious layout, especially with emblems ( which
I use quite a bit for testing ). Somehow, a factor of two seemed to make
it behave as I expected this; this seemed to be related to the
difference between size->nominal_width (as passed to load_specific_icon)
and size->maximum_width which seems to be rather disparate. It would be
good to know which to aim for, since we produce a file of exactly this

> > Hmmm. I don't seem to see in-icon text at all. Does it work for you?
> I don't see in-icon text either, because the icons for plain text files
> don't seem to have embedded text rectangles in any of the icon themes I
> have. We probably need to fix this.

	I see it fine - the problem (for me) was that I had a default
gnome-text-plain.png lying around that was clobbering the use of
i-regular.svg for text files, which in turn was clobbering the use of
i-regular.xml's text layout information.

	Simply deleting ${prefix}/share/pixmaps/nautilus/

	gnome-text-plain.png, and I think default/gnome-text-plain

	or somesuch stuff made it work - the same thing was yielding me pixmaps
for text files even when using an svg theme - I've no idea how those
files got there, or what changed, since it always used to work well.



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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