Re: Nautilus bugzilla (was Re: [Nautilus-list] mouse-wheel and the nautilus theme selector)

On Wed, 2002-02-06 at 13:58, John Fleck wrote:
> Sometimes bugzilla is updated when things are fixed, sometimes
> not. Help in going through the old bug reports and testing to see if
> the bugs are still manifested would be greatly appreciated. I
> regularly spend time doing this, but as you say, there seem to be a
> lot of entries in bugzilla for Nautilus.
> Feel free to jump in.

Where should testing be carried out primarily, 1.0.6, cvs head, cvs 1.x
branch ?

Glen Gray             Software Engineer
a n t e f a c t o     t: +353 1 8586006     f: +353 1 8586014
181 Parnell Street - Dublin 1 - Ireland

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