[Nautilus-list] FYI: Why colors in the property browser do not display correctly

If you are wondering why colors in the property browser do not display
correctly, I finally figured it out (after spending way too much time
learning about gdk and friends).  My apologies if this information has
already been posted to the list.

Quick fix:  Remove the file ~/.nautilus/browser.xml.  Restart nautilus.


The colors used to be stored in the format RRRR/GGGG/BBBB where RRRR was
in hex.  However, now that gdk_color_parse calls pango_color_parse
(confusing isn't it?) the colors should be stored as RRGGBB. 
Unfortunately, since browser.xml is not updated when nautilus2 is
installed, the old color format messes things up.  By deleting
browser.xml you will cause nautilus to recreate that file.

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