html-browser / mime-types / nautilus / gmc / galeon

I'm running a Debian Woody 3.0 stable on an amd k6, 128 MB, and use xsession 
with WMaker starting a desktop-producing gmc,  without gdm or gnome-session.  
But I have cinfigured gdm and Gnome on the first run in the usual way.
Is it true that both gmc and Nautilus Version 1.6 do not  inherit an 
html-Browser ( like Konqueror does ) ? 
Nautilus here seems not to offer such a feature in the 'view as' menues. I 
wonder about that. I configured gcontrol ( V.1.4.05 ) to open html-Pages with 
Galeon, but am not really satisfied with that. Maybe there exists another 
even smarter browser which comes up as quick as ( for example ) electric 

Please reply directly to me.

Micha Wordehoff


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