Re: PATCH: bug 76293 and bug 48317

sön 2002-04-28 klockan 23.34 skrev Alex Larsson:
> > > > 3. changed add bookmark shortcut to ctl+d and edit bookmark shortcut to
> > > > ctl+b as specified in the hig. 
> > 
> > Perhaps we should change duplicate than, since this is a hig
> > recommendation. Any suggestions? Just for the sake of asking does
> > duplicate need an accelerator, we already have cut and paste
> > accelerators?
> Duplication of files seems clearly more important than adding bookmarks 
> for a file manager. I think we should keep the old keysbindings.

On the other hand, the whole point of the HIG is to make applications
behave the same way and in this case use common shortcuts. So unless
there are very good reasons(*) to keep it, this should probably be
changed long-term.

(*) "This action is more common" probably isn't a valid reason, since
this doesn't take into account that maybe another not too bad shortcut
can be used for "Duplicate" instead, thus removing the need for HIG
non-compliance and users being forced to re-learn what this shortcut
means in the case of Nautilus.


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