Re: [Nautilus-list] Thumbnails of large images (and some misc. Nautilus opinions)

I agree. After much hassle, sweat and recompiling of most of GNOME (although I did end up using 1.4rc1 which I rather like) I finally got Nautilus working today. It really does look out of place when browsing a directory full of images which might be for a website - one such directory I was viewing contained a quantity of JPEG images - for each image there was also a thumbnail version of it. All of those thumbnail images were displayed without borders, which made the directory look rather odd.
Also, I noticed that when I increase the size of an image thumbnail, the 
image isn't re-read and the thumbnail regenerated at a higher 
resolution, but rather the original is smooth-scaled up to the new size. 
This is horrendously slow (any speedups in the works by any chance?) and 
looks quite, quite terrible.
In general I like Nautilus, although it would be nice if the filetypes 
worked properly. I set up a MIME type for LyX files, set the default 
action to open them in Lyx, and lo and behold, when I double-click on 
them Nautilus says it has no internal viewer capable of handling them. I 
know! That's why I want them to open in LyX when I double-click on them! 
Just a little niggle.
Not so little is the lack of a delete command, as I believe others have 
Jason Tackaberry wrote:

I noticed that Nautilus will not generate thumbnails of images over 1MB
in size.  I work with a large number of large images (2-10MB each), and
I'd like the ability to be able to view thumbnails for these as well.
Is this configurable somewhere, or is the limit currently hardcoded?

I also see that Nautilus won't generate thumbnails for images under a
certain size (15kb or so), and that it just creates the thumbnail
directly from the image on the fly.  The problem with this is that the
thumbnail doesn't have the anti-aliased border and it looks a bit out of
place.  Is there a way to disable this as well?

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