Re: [Nautilus-list] Some Bugs and Concerns

On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, Michael Leone wrote:

> > > Which is stupid since I use toolbars with text and icons in applications
> > > that i'm not used to, and once i'm used to all the icons I turn of the
> > > text to save some screen space.
> >
> > I totally agree.
> I totally disagree.
> I *like* my icons to have text with them at all times. Altho, yes, it should
> be configurable, on a user-by-user basis.

The gnome setting can be the default setting when launching new programs
so you get the setting you want in every program. And then, don't change
it in any of the individual programs and your fine. Are you afraid that
you might turn them of by misstake, or what?

You can get the behaviour you want even if it means (which it doesn't in
this case) that you have to set it in every program. I can not get it the
way that I want, no matter what. You tell me which is the best.


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