Re: [Nautilus-list] Progress Bar on Move

On Wed, 2001-12-05 at 10:46, Tomar wrote:
    Nautilus ML,
    On Wed, 2001-12-05 at 07:51, Markus Bertheau wrote:
    > On Wed, 2001-12-05 at 13:37, Martin Wehner wrote:
    > > Hi,
    > > 
    > > Nautilus doesn't show a progress bar if files are moved between
    > > partitions (Bug 61517). This is due to the assumption in
    > > nautilus_file_operations_copy_move() that move operations involving only
    > > local uris (as reported by gnome-vfs) are very fast (just an inode
    > > relink):
    > > 
    > > <snip>
    > > /* Do an arbitrary guess that an operation will take very little
    > > /* time and the progress shouldn't be shown.
    > >  */
    > > transfer_info->show_progress_dialog = 
    > > 	!all_local || g_list_length ((GList *)item_uris)> 20;
    > > </snip>
    > > 
    > > This assumption breaks if source and target are on different partitions
    > > (= copy & delete).
    > > Or is it even possible to determine how long an operation has already
    > > taken and create the progress dialog after say 0.5 sec?
    > (I am a Nautilus user, not developer.) This or something like that be
    > would be great. If I copy some divx;-) file of about 650 megs I really
    > would like to see a progress bar. Just showing it if there are more than
    > 20 items to move is not always appropriate. Maybe the file size can be
    > taken into account if the proposition?
    > Markus Bertheau
    On the other hand if you have 650 1MB files you are moving around
    you want a slightly different progress bar.
    How about showing progress as function of MB size operated on
    (moved, deleted, copied, etc) instead of number?
    Just a random thought as I start hacking for the day, :-)
    Tom Larsen

Hi, another user here, why not do it like red-carpet does it suring
downloads and have both.  A this-file progress and a total-Mb progress.
					-Govind Salinas
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