Re: [Nautilus-list] More on optimization

> There's some documentation in the nautilus/docs directory, but not very 
> in-depth. It would be great to make some for the next fellow who comes 
> along as you learn about it. I'd be happy to help review the document to 
> ensure it's accurate.

I just want to hammer on this point.  I've been meaning to get set up to
start doing some work on nautilus, but i read all the available docs and
definitely needed some more explanation.  So if anyone want to really help
make it easier for people to get involved, just incrementally improving
the documentation as you learn it yourself would really really help.  I
will try to do the same.

Josh "Yoshi" Steiner - josh xiphoidprocess com - 

Xiphoid Process Records -
San Francisco based electronic music.

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