Re: [Nautilus-list] Background Size

On 30 Jul 2001 16:10:55 -0400, ///o-o\\\ wrote:
> howdy,
> i am new to ximian gnome (and Linux in general) and have a question
> concerning how Nautilus draws the background. i use it on a laptop that
> moves alot, so the resolution goes between 800x600 and 1024x768. however,
> nautilus _always_ draws the background as if the resolution is set to
> 1024x768. 

By this do you mean that your desktop background image isn't being
scaled to fit the screen or that there are icons that are in the bottom
right corner of the screen at 1024x768 that are hidden at 800x600?

> i disabled it and just let gnome do it, but then my desktop icons
> disapear. is this a bug? or is there a way around it? 

No, this isn't a bug. Nautilus is what creates the icons. It sounds like
you are having issues with nautilus not being as good at controling it's
background than gnome is alone. In that sense it's a nautlius bug. If
you can try explaining the symptom a bit better I bet someone can help
solve it.

> if i could, i'd like
> to disable nautilus from drawing the background, but still use it's desktop
> icon capabilities.

As I said, desktop icons and nautilus on the desktop are one and the
> thanx in advance....

No problem.


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