on 4/29/01 7:48 PM, matooo wrote:

> Don't say that I shouldn't run as root, in my line of business it's not
> possible to run otherwise! I'm managing network computers on several
> company locations and offices. I'm also programming deamons for
> networking. Runing as user wouldn't do it. All of my friends who are in
> same line of work are complaining about same little thing. THAT ANNOYING
> MESSAGE. Could You at least offer a chance to turn it off? Please?
> Please and Please again?

While these are *not* sufficient reasons to run GTK-based applications as
root, I won't try to tell you what to do, since you clearly already decided
that you want to.

You can suppress the root warning by setting an environment variable
NAUTILUS_OK_TO_RUN_AS_ROOT before starting Nautilus.

    -- Darin

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