Re: [Nautilus-list] NAUTILUS SUGGESTION (fwd)

There's this little command called "su"...

On 30 Apr 2001 12:48:29 +1000, SHANE BUTLER wrote:
> Hi,
> I recieved this email which does not concern me, just passing it on to
> the right place.
> - Shane
> --
> Shane Butler <sbutle deakin edu au>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 23:22:11 +0200
> From: matooo <matooo uk2 net>
> To: sbutle deakin edu au
> Hope You're the right person to contact (from list looks like it)
> I'm enjoying Nautilus since 0.6 release, it's probably the greatest
> thing happened in Linux! Great job I must admit! Hat's down.
> I'm interested why You force "root warning"! I use it as my main desktop
> manager and feel really anoyed by it!
> Don't say that I shouldn't run as root, in my line of business it's not
> possible to run otherwise! I'm managing network computers on several
> company locations and offices. I'm also programming deamons for
> networking. Runing as user wouldn't do it. All of my friends who are in
> same line of work are complaining about same little thing. THAT ANNOYING
> MESSAGE. Could You at least offer a chance to turn it off? Please?
> Please and Please again?
> It would be usefull since.
> People with root password are
> 1) working at home on their computers and do not need forced reminding.
> 2) have enough knowledge for firm to trust them with root password, that
> means they must know what they are doing
> Offer at least one way to remove the message
> Thanks and sorry to bother you!
> Best regards Matjaz
> matooo uk2 net
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