Where are my icons(1), system got slower(2) comments (Was: Re: [Nautilus-list] Suprise)

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Thomas [iso-8859-1] Schφnhoff wrote:

> Hello to all,
> I am suprised of the things went after installation of Nautilus 1.0. The
> reasons for this are:
> 	1. all former icons have been killed and could be recovered till
> 	now ! Did anybody experienced something similar !

I suspect there is a "not" missing.. :)
I do not know the answer to this.

> 	2. short after experimenting with Nautilus the "medusa-indexd" 	started
> to attack my patient. It was running not only in 	background but also
> while I was surfing in WWW.
> 	3. Performance of Natilus is a sacrifice (Min.presumed 32MB 	RAM)! I am
> running here RH7.0 shipped by 128RAM, 300Mhz PII MMX,

Try to get nautilus-1.0.2 (rpm format) from
as it does not have medusa by default. Medusa is the search deamon that
does things like content indexing of files, thus it gets sometimes
heavy on the system.
I think that once you had Nautilus 1.0 on, you need to disable medusa
manually after you upgrade.

If you have brave enough, you can try the hourly builds, at the
developer WWW site is: http://nautilus.eazel.com

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