Re: [Nautilus-list] User levels

Em 03 Apr 2001 13:05:03 +0100, Kenneth MacDonald escreveu:
> >>>>> "Ramiro" == Ramiro Estrugo <ramiro eazel com> writes:
>     Ramiro> Remember that Nautilus as it currently stands has the
>     Ramiro> almost conflicting goals of being usable by novice users
>     Ramiro> new to UNIX systems as well as experts that want to be
>     Ramiro> exposed to all details of their systems.
> Initially a deceptively hard target.
Yes, but someone has to target it :-)

Really, I think Nautilus' user level system is a great idea. It can be
made better, obviously... more customization and a GNOME-wide user level
system will be great things.

Cesar Cardoso - cesarcardoso ig com br - ICQ 32237133

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