Re: [Nautilus-list] New Versioning Scheme

Robin * Slomkowski <rslomkow eazel com> writes:

> OK perhaps this is the first attempt at a versioning scheme.
> Here is the proposal:
> release number == major number . minor number (0.5)
> version number == major number . minor number . patch level (1.2.3)
>   or version number = release number . patch level (0.5.1)

I don't think we should worry too much about the semantics of the
different parts of the version number like that, I don't think we have
any algorithm for deciding which part of the version number to bump
when other than marketing-type reasons.
> The leading in cvs will contain the current_release.cvs,
> no matter what branch it is on.  Version.cvs will always sort to be
> higher than any released version.  Since .c is consider after .9.
> ( the reason for this is next release number are generally more
> for marketing than for anything else, so the next release may
> jump a major number, and you won't know until you get there)

Usually when you have letters in a version number you don't put a dot
before then, so one would write 0.4cvs rather than 0.4.cvs for
instance. But we could break that convention if it would be helpful.

> Lets assume the following senario for these examples.  We have
> released 0.2, and 0.3 the next release is 0.4, we have released
> two bug fixes for 0.2 called 0.2.1 and 0.2.2, and work has begun
> on a patch to 0.3

That's a useful chart but I really hope we don't really end up doing
that much branching. Also, I think we shouldn't have a "cvs" version
number at the tip of any branches that we don't expect to do further
development on. For instance, in the case of this 0.2 branch below, I
would expect the branch to be dead once 0.3 is released. Finally, the
chart below appears to imply some correlation between the branching
structure and the user-visible version numbers. I certainly hope we
are not committing to something like that.

>          0.1    0.2           0.3        0.3.cvs
> HEAD -----|------|-------------|------------>
>                  |             |
>                  |             |    0.3.0.cvs
>                  | nautilus_0.3 \------------->
>                  |
>                  \    0.2.1 0.2.2 0.2.2.cvs
>     nautilus_0.2  \-----|-----|------>

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