Re: [Muine] [UI CHANGES 4/6] Window title name (ML post from Iain with patch)

The risk here is that the window title becomes disproportionally long.
Think of classical music where the title usually already is pretty long,
and then you get a slew of composer-performer information ..

I'd vote to leave the title as is, or to make it purely "<songname>".

What does the HIG recommend ?



On Sat, 2006-03-18 at 23:21 -0800, Peter Johanson wrote:
> [4/6] Window title name (ML post from Iain) - Proposes changing
> from "<songname> - Muine Music Player" to "<songname> by <artists>".
> Quickly checking various apps, i see that totem puts the filename in the
> title, gnumeric puts '<filename> : Gnumeric', epiphany puts the page
> title, or lacking that, URL in the window title. I'm pretty ambivelent
> on this one.
OpenedHand Ltd.

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