Re: [Muine] [UI CHANGES 4/6] Window title name (ML post from Iain with patch)

On Sat, 2006-03-18 at 23:21 -0800, Peter Johanson wrote:
> [4/6] Window title name (ML post from Iain) - Proposes changing
> from "<songname> - Muine Music Player" to "<songname> by <artists>".
> Quickly checking various apps, i see that totem puts the filename in the
> title, gnumeric puts '<filename> : Gnumeric', epiphany puts the page
> title, or lacking that, URL in the window title. I'm pretty ambivelent
> on this one.

I think the window title should at least display "Muine". The HIG has a
section about this:

Depending on wether you see Muine as a document (song) based app, or a
non-document based app, these are the relevant section:

For non-document-based applications, use Application Name as the window

While document names are most pertinent to users, we understand that
application developers may want to increase recognition of their
application. If you plan to include your application's name in the title
of a primary window, use the following format: Document Name -
Application Name. This will ensure that the document name appears in
limited space situations such as the system window list.

I would personally go for: "[song] By [artist] - Muine".


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