[Muine] muinescrobbler 0.1.8 - No Generics patch

MuineScrobbler is a plugin for Muine which registers the songs you
play with last.fm/audioscrobbler.

Homepage:  http://home.gna.org/muinescrobbler/
"no generics" patch:


To Install:

tar -xzvf muinescrobbler-0.1.8.tar.gz
cd muinescrobbler
gunzip -c muinescrobbler-0.1.8-no-generics.diff.gz | patch -p1

make install


Version 0.1.8 added generics which caused some problems (e.g.
http://mail.gnome.org/archives/muine-list/2006-March/msg00016.html )

So rather than trying to fix all that, I simply tore the generics part
out and reverted to the classic handler mechanism.  Generics aren't
even in the main mcs compiler so it's probably not worth implementing

Everything appears to work fine this way, I didn't test this a whole
lot but it registered several songs with last.fm okay.

This patch was created with  'diff -urb' rather than 'diff -urNb' for
readability.  However, EventQueue.cs and Functor.cs are no longer used
and may be removed.

-- Tamara Roberson
foxxygirltamara gmail com

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