Re: [Muine] Restructuring the menu... I didn't want to polute Iain's thread.

On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 09:52 +0000, Iain * wrote:
> In this case the About should go into the Muine menu.

Agreed, though maybe for consistence it could stay in the help menu. On
the other hand: putting it here eliminates the help menu (which is a
good thing (TM) since we don't provide any real help in it).

> But, nothing else in GNOME has an application menu and separating Play
> from the Previous and Next option seems artificial to me.

Well, it's not wrong just because nothing else in gnome has it, right? I
think in this case it fits nicely. The application menu lists
application-wide actions: 
-) play (otherwise their should be "play song" inside the song menu,
idem for "play album", then "play" in the playlist menu)
-) import songs (see below)
-) about (see earlier comment)
-) quit (obviously)

> Import Songs should go in the Song menu as it is essentially an
> operation on a Song (Add song(s) to Muine's database)

I disagree here. It's essentialy an operation on the song database,
which is adding songs to it. In no way it is similar to the other
commands in the song menu, which act on songs *already in the database*.

Just my 2 cents of course...


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