Re: [Muine] album/song suggestion

On L, 2005-02-19 at 10:55 -0700, Brian Nickel wrote:
> >> It seems like one problem is the separation between albums and songs. A
> >> separate problem that I have is that I listen mainly to classical music,
> >> where the most important piece of information is the composer/artist which
> >> is not shown in the playlist. Also often one album will have many many
> >> tracks, which makes the playlist very long.
> >
> >This depends on how you tag your files..
> >
> >I listen to a lot of classical music as well, and tend to put the
> >composer into "artist" and performers into "performer". 
> Perhaps we could tack on a db item "extradata" which just stores just a
> raw string of extra tag data like composer, publisher, etc, which won't
> appear, but will be included in the search queries in the add song
> dialog.

Strikes me as gross performance and memory waste for the vast majority
of users ..


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