Re: [Muine] "Small mode"


I'm going to be the damper on the fun here- but modes of any kind just
suck. Changing the whole interface on the click of a mouse is extremely
confusing- who hasn't been confused by evolution the first time they
used it?

I think the core of the problem here is that apparantly there is
functionality or information missing from the tray icon. It strikes me
as weird that people would keep a music player, of whatever size, open
at all times- to my mind the desktop is a "working area", where people
get work done, and music is just some background thing that should be as
unobtrusive as possible, meaning not on the desktop.

So I ask- what is missing from the tray icon? What do people miss? What
do people want to see?

> Also, as a quick further suggestion, should muines WM icon be a smaller 
> version of the album art, not the generic icon?

I don't think so. Album covers scaled to that size make no sense
anymore, they are too far downscaled to be recognisable.



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