Re: [Muine] "Small mode"

On Tue, 2004-05-04 at 23:18, Lee Willis wrote:


It looks great! However, I doubt I'll ever use it, because the
notification icon is just fine for me. But fortunaly, I am not the
average user ;)

> - It would probably need an "exit small mode" button which I haven't 
> added, but should be fairly easy to fit in ...(Maybe replace the volume 
> button?)

Yes, replace it. I have seen countless users with Windows Media Player
who had suddenly managed to go in small mode and became frustrated
because they didn't found a way to reverse it. You could use the
fullscreen icon from Epiphany. 

> Mode 2 - Panel mode
> This follows the same principles as above, but is actually a panel 
> applet. Changes probably required in addition to those above would be:
> - Show smaller album image (Scaled according to panel size)
> - Scroll song title, rather than display statically
> I haven't mocked up this second item yet, just dumping some ideas out to 
> see what people think.
> Would one, or both, of these be useful?

I agree to what Link has said. On the other hand, a panel appel would
not clutter the UI, so it could be easily build without any problems. I
don't know whether the D-BUS interface is in place, but if it is, the
applet could use that. 

> Also, as a quick further suggestion, should muines WM icon be a smaller 
> version of the album art, not the generic icon?

I believe it should be a consistent and concise icon. Dynamic icons
could confuse users from seeing it as a webbrowser (considering you are
browsing the site of the artist or something), a static one with the
typical emblem of Muine on it is quite recognisable to users.

Just my thoughts,

Viet Yen

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