[Muine] I just got Muine running on OS X

Apologies if this has already been done, but it took me a day or two
so I might as well boast :P

Steps necessary:

Rewriting the following Fink portfiles:
*       mono ( updated for beta-2 to 0.95 )
*       gtk-sharp ( updated for beta-2 to 0.93 )
*       gstreamer ( updated to 0.8.2 )
*       gst-plugins ( updated to 0.8.2 )

I configured muine with the following cmd line:

CPPFLAGS=-I/sw/include ./configure --enable-gstreamer
--disable-oggtest --disable-vorbistest --prefix=/sw

In order to get Muine to build, I had to _back out_ one of the patches
from the latest release ( the one referred to in
http://lists.gnome.org/archives/muine-list/2004-June/msg00042.html ).

In order to get Muine to run, I had to change muine.exe.config
(installed, in my case, in /sw/lib/muine), to:

  <dllmap dll="libmuine" target="/sw/lib/muine/libmuine.dylib"/>

( It was using the .so suffix before, which is not valid for OS X ). 
I also had to add this to the muine run script:

/sw/lib/muine/muine.exe "$@"

So that Mono could find the necessary libraries.

In order to get it to _play music_ (the most important part :P ), I
had to hack a bit with gstreamer.  First order of business was to set
a default audio sink in gconf.  Directly using the osxaudiosink
resulted in muine segfaulting after a few seconds, and I was also
unable to play things through gstreamer from the command line.  Using
"audioconvert ! osxaudiosink" as the audio sink made things work, in
both cases.  Many thanks to the fine gstreamer hacker known only as
"mathrick" in #gstreamer on freenode who helped me to get this
working.  Apparently there is a capabilities conflict with
osxaudiosink which will probably be fixed in the future (and I am
cc'ing this to the author to let him know).

After all this loveliness, it would be wrong to leave you fine folks
without a screenshot, so here goes:


The OMG connotes my astonishment at getting this to work with such (in
perspective) minimal effort.  Of course this was a huge task for me as
I have never written a fink portfile before, nor worked with Mono, but
I really wanted my favorite music player to work on OS X, so per the
old adage, when there's a will, there's a way....

I will be submitting my updated fink portfiles to the fink list
tomorrow, along with (hopefully) a muine portfile ( I have done just a
./configure;make;make install for now... bad, I know :P )


-- Michael Baehr

Zaheer:  please check out http://dely.conio.net/osxaudiosink for my
gst-inspect output, and http://dely.conio.net/gstlaunch for the
verbose (level 3) output of gst-launch sinesrc ! osxaudiosink ... and
of course, many thanks for osxaudiosink!

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