[Muine] Problems with UTF-8 on ID3 tags


Being from Brazil, I own some albums that have accents either in the
song titles, the album's name or the band's name itself.  I usually tag
my rips with the accents, but muine seems to have a problem with this,
as it can be seen on the following screenshot:


On this screenshot, the song right beneath "Mateus Enter" should appear
as "O Cidadão do Mundo" or, if you can't see accents, "O Cidadao do
Mundo" with a tilde over the 2nd 'a' in "cidadao".  As you can see, the
same happens to all other songs with accents in them; strangely, muine
seems to try to convert what already is in Unicode to Unicode again,
since I get the same output with "iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8
testing.txt", where testing.txt contains the id3 tags as displayed by
id3v2. Here you can see that the song is indeed tagged in UTF8:

$ id3v2 -l 02-chico_science_e_nacao_zumbi-o_cidadao_do_mundo.mp3 > testing.txt
$ file testing.txt
testing.txt: UTF-8 Unicode text

Here are the relevant snippets from testing.txt:

$ cat testing.txt
id3v1 tag info for 02-chico_science_e_nacao_zumbi-o_cidadao_do_mundo.mp3:
Title  : O Cidadão do Mundo             Artist: Chico Science & Nacao
Album  : Afrociberdelia                  Year: 0   , Genre: Other (12)
Comment: lame --preset standard -Z       Track: 2
id3v2 tag info for 02-chico_science_e_nacao_zumbi-o_cidadao_do_mundo.mp3:
TIT2 (Title/songname/content description): O Cidadão do Mundo

$ iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 testing.txt
id3v1 tag info for 02-chico_science_e_nacao_zumbi-o_cidadao_do_mundo.mp3:
Title  : O Cidadão do Mundo             Artist: Chico Science & Nacao
Album  : Afrociberdelia                  Year: 0   , Genre: Other (12)
Comment: lame --preset standard -Z       Track: 2
id3v2 tag info for 02-chico_science_e_nacao_zumbi-o_cidadao_do_mundo.mp3:
TIT2 (Title/songname/content description): O Cidadão do Mundo

I'm running muine 0.6.3 on Debian unstable (Debian version 0.6.3-1) and
I have the following locale configuration:

$ locale

Any hints?

Thank you,

カルロス ラヴイオラ

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