Re: [Muine] My own little rant

On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 19:25 +0200, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-06-06 at 01:03 +0100, iain wrote:
> > On Sat, 2004-06-05 at 19:35 +0200, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> > > Artist: Some Artist, Title: Blah, Album: The Album seems to be just fine
> > > as no information is gone, and no tags are incorrectly used.
> > > 
> > > So I think we should definetely support the 3rd case.
> > 
> > I disagree that "Various Artists" is a sucky solution.
> > Take the compilation "Now 42" for example.
> > About 40 different tracks, all different artists.
> > The artist is defintely not simply the artist of the first track.
> Of course not.  But if you set the artist of the track to the artist
> tag, the application grokking those files, say, muine, will recognise
> they belong together and display the album as being by "Artist A, Artist
> B, and Artist C".  Or, in the case of 40 different artists: "Artist A,
> Artist B, and others"

If i can add my 2c...
I agree that "Various artists" sucks. However, I don't particularly like
the way that Albums are sorted alphabetically when it is by various
Case in point, I have a 4 CD "Best of pack" by various artists. Since it
sorts by the artist that comes first in the alphabet, i find i have 4
albums (since i named the albums "Album Blah CDn") all around the album
I was thinking how i think about albums in real-life and realsied that
when i'm looking for a multi-artist album, i think of by the album name,
not the artist then album name, so..
If Muine notices that an album is by say, >5 artists, sorting the album
in the album list by Title, among the others which are sorted by artist
would probably be really usable.
(I hope this is what the thread is about.. I haven't really be following
it too closely ;-)

Hope it isn't too verbose...

(o< - A l a s t a i r   P o r t e r
V_/_   alastair linuxexperience com

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